Custom Tech Training Services
CRIME De-Coder offers training services. Specifically I have developed many different courses for crime analysts over my career. These include:
- Long term university courses (entry crime analysis, graduate GIS)
- short term workshops (see IACA monitoring temporal trends)
- Multi-day crime analysis training (see CRIME De-Coder is a BJA approved training provider)
It is worth explaining the differences in my services vs others (such as the IACA – the International Association of Crime Analysts). There are two main differences between my services and other providers. 1) I have a more advanced technical skillset than the majority of training providers, and 2) I build custom courses based on what you specifically need or want help with.
For an example of the more technical skills, there are no training providers that train crime analysts to code currently. So if you would like your crime analysts to learn python or R to conduct data analysis, I am the only provider I know of that provides that service.
This subsequently is why I also build custom courses. Most crime analysis units when they ask for my services are not interested in a generic “getting started with crime analysis”. If that is the level you would like technical training with, I highly suggest to check out the available IACA courses.
Most PDs when they ask me for training though, they want to level up their technical skills. They typically have specific projects they want to conduct, examples I have helped crime analysis units in the past with are:
- conducting social network analysis
- developing predictive algorithms for chronic offender lists
- coding and automation (e.g. help build up to date dashboards, creation of master name indexes, report generation)
If you are interested in more advanced technical training for your crime analysts, get in touch.