Civil Litigation Services
CRIME De-Coder has experience providing statistical consulting services to conduct analysis of racial bias using state of the art statistical techniques (over superficial techniques which almost always concur police are biased), as well as responding to other expert analysis.
- Evaluating racial bias in traffic stops (Worden et al., 2012) and pedestrain stops (Wheeler et al., 2018)
- Evaluating racial bias in officer involved shootings (Wheeler et al., 2017)
- Evaluating the efficacy of different interventions (whether effective or ineffective) to support a lawsuit
One example here provides analysis to determine whether a particular Gentleman’s club in Dallas was an outlier in terms of crime incidents, and how much it cost the city of Dallas in terms of responding to crime incidents:
Many outside advocacy groups are unlikely to give police departments a fair analysis. Contact CRIME De-Coder for a free consultation to discuss your litigation case.
- Wheeler, A.P., Steenbeek, W., & Andresen, M.A. (2018). Testing for similarity in area‐based spatial patterns: Alternative methods to Andresen’s spatial point pattern test. Transactions in GIS, 22(3), 760-774.
- Wheeler, A. P., Phillips, S. W., Worrall, J. L., & Bishopp, S. A. (2017). What factors influence an officer’s decision to shoot? The promise and limitations of using public data. Justice Research and Policy, 18(1), 48-76.
- Worden, R.E., McLean, S.J., & Wheeler, A.P. (2012). Testing for racial profiling with the veil-of-darkness method. Police Quarterly, 15(1), 92-111.