Why crime analysts should learn SQL
Analysts should learn SQL to get ad-hoc queries faster, make your work more reliable, and have more skills that are transferable to other analyst positions.
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- Why crime analysts should learn SQL
- Crime Analysts make too many BOLOs
- Junk science: Detecting deception in 911 homicide calls
- A market for empirical research
- How to use python to query your RMS
- Applications of AI in policing
- Aoristic Analysis of Uncertain Crime Times in Python
- Wake Libertarian Talk on LPRs
- Crime Analysis with Python Book Released
- Simple rule to identify if rare crimes have spiked
- Geocoding Crime Data Locally
- Building Custom Software
- Compstat and Counterfactuals
- Using surveys to measure attitudes towards police
- AI regulation in policing
- Dashboard Advice
- What are Early Intervention Systems
- How to Evaluate Pred Policing Software
- Custom Training Services
- Early Release of Data Science for Crime Analysis with Python Book
- NLP applications in crime analysis
- Tech recruiting PhDs
- PDs should share crime data
- Using data to establish reasonableness in premises liability cases
- A Primer on SNA for Crime Analysts
- Additional Services CRIME De-Coder offers
- Dashboards should be up-to-date
- Don't use percent change for crime data, use this stat instead
- $$$ Million Dollar HotSpots $$$
- What distinguishes CRIME De-Coder from other firms